Џеј Ло ја запозна својата двојничка, сличноста е неверојатна


Како актерката Анџелина Џоли и војвотката Меган Маркл и Џенифер Лопез ја пронајде својата двојничка.

Пејачката Кони Пена неверојатно личи на Џеј Ло, а сега конечно се запозна со славната ѕвезда.

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I finally got the opportunity to meet the Ms Jennifer Lopez, the LEGEND, My ICON, and the woman that has motivated me and impacted my life in so many ways! This day changed my life. I had been waiting so very long for this day to come. I’ve never been so nervous in my life! It has been 1 year to date that I announced to the world that I would be doing the first ever tribute to her. I had a million questions and words in my mind ask ask her that day, but being in her presence, face to face, I got so nervous that I couldn’t even ask her 1 question. The only thing I could get out of my mouth was thanking her for being who she is and how much of a motivation she has been to me and how I am working really hard to bring the first tribute show to her in her honor. It was such a blessing to she her reaction and smile at me and the HUG we had given to each other was unforgettable. Hearing her tell me that “WE LOOK ALIKE,” made my heart drop with joy! Thank you @jlo for always giving us , your fans and your supporters the best of you! As a mother of 2 myself, I know it’s not easy, but you always have a way to pull it off and give the World ? the best of who you are and for that I admire and respect you as a mother, strong latin women, entertainer , entrepreneur, and leader! I could go on and on on WHY I have decided to dedicate my new career in tributing your impecable talent, but your tremendous work speaks for itself! I wish I would of had more time to talk to her and truly get to know her, but I understand it was a quick meet and greet. I want to thank my dear friend @maya.santamaria , la raza radio , @telemundo Minneapolis @laraza957 , and @livenation for making my dream come true ,but especially @jlo for being who you are, LIMITLESS!! #jlo #jenniferlópez #limitless #jlotribute #jlodouble #jlolookalike Outfit @houseofcb

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– Конечно добив прилика да ја запознаам легендата, мојата икона и жена која ме мотивира и влијае на мојот живот. Овој ден ми го промени животот, напиша Кони под фотографијата на Инстаграм.

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