Експлозии утринава се слушнале и во рускиот град Краснодар, објави локалниот канал на Телеграм База. Инцидентот се случил во 04:17 часот, а нема повредени.
From a Russian telegram channel:
“The operational headquarters officially confirmed the incident in Krasnodar. According to official information, the explosion occurred at 4:17 am local time. No one was hurt during the explosion.
The security forces are currently on the scene.”… https://t.co/IyZD3sQsLF pic.twitter.com/NukWZaeWxY
— Natalka (@NatalkaKyiv) May 26, 2023
Како што пишува База, градот со милион жители бил нападнат со дронови, по што била активирана противвоздушната одбрана.
Good morning! Also to Krasnodar ☀️ pic.twitter.com/cAccLdEkFM
— NOELREPORTS 🇪🇺 🇺🇦 (@NOELreports) May 26, 2023
Krasnodar, Russia. pic.twitter.com/a4tS344CfH
— Pierre Davide Borrelli (@PierreDBorrelli) May 26, 2023
In #Krasnodar, south #Russia, there was a reported UAV strike on a building which allegedly sustained some property damage. https://t.co/fSfyMTy0P6 pic.twitter.com/M9g7xnrqFA
— Alex Kokcharov (@AlexKokcharov) May 26, 2023