ВИДЕО: Песочни плажи, сино море, палми и сето тоа среде град во Германија


Тропски рај во Германија? Да тоа е вистина, бидејќи очигледно за Германците нe постојат препреки.

Под куполата на поранешен советски хангар во градот Краусник се наоѓа вистински тропски рај.

Гледан однадвор објектот едвај би го привлекол вашето внимание. Но во преубавиот ресорт нема нешто што нема – дождовни шуми, плажи, палми, тропско цвеќе, пеење на птици. Има и лагуна со водопади, поточиња и патеки за прошетки.

Капацитетот на некогашниот хангар е шест илјади луѓе дневно.

hese are the incredible images of a tropical island paradise INSIDE a building so big could easily fit eight football pitches. A sandy beach, spa, waterfall, whirlpools and water slides are just a few of the attractions inside the old airship hanger. The indoor tropical island, located in Brandenburg, Germany, boasts an air temperature of 26 degrees, with water being 28C in the Tropical Sea and 32 C in the Bali Lagoon. Inside the paradise also host to the worlds biggest indoor rainforest, which features over 50,000 plants and spans over a 10,000 metre square area hese are the incredible images of a tropical island paradise INSIDE a building so big could easily fit eight football pitches. A sandy beach, spa, waterfall, whirlpools and water slides are just a few of the attractions inside the old airship hanger. The indoor tropical island, located in Brandenburg, Germany, boasts an air temperature of 26 degrees, with water being 28C in the Tropical Sea and 32 C in the Bali Lagoon. Inside the paradise also host to the worlds biggest indoor rainforest, which features over 50,000 plants and spans over a 10,000 metre square area hese are the incredible images of a tropical island paradise INSIDE a building so big could easily fit eight football pitches. A sandy beach, spa, waterfall, whirlpools and water slides are just a few of the attractions inside the old airship hanger. The indoor tropical island, located in Brandenburg, Germany, boasts an air temperature of 26 degrees, with water being 28C in the Tropical Sea and 32 C in the Bali Lagoon. Inside the paradise also host to the worlds biggest indoor rainforest, which features over 50,000 plants and spans over a 10,000 metre square area hese are the incredible images of a tropical island paradise INSIDE a building so big could easily fit eight football pitches. A sandy beach, spa, waterfall, whirlpools and water slides are just a few of the attractions inside the old airship hanger. The indoor tropical island, located in Brandenburg, Germany, boasts an air temperature of 26 degrees, with water being 28C in the Tropical Sea and 32 C in the Bali Lagoon. Inside the paradise also host to the worlds biggest indoor rainforest, which features over 50,000 plants and spans over a 10,000 metre square area hese are the incredible images of a tropical island paradise INSIDE a building so big could easily fit eight football pitches. A sandy beach, spa, waterfall, whirlpools and water slides are just a few of the attractions inside the old airship hanger. The indoor tropical island, located in Brandenburg, Germany, boasts an air temperature of 26 degrees, with water being 28C in the Tropical Sea and 32 C in the Bali Lagoon. Inside the paradise also host to the worlds biggest indoor rainforest, which features over 50,000 plants and spans over a 10,000 metre square area hese are the incredible images of a tropical island paradise INSIDE a building so big could easily fit eight football pitches. A sandy beach, spa, waterfall, whirlpools and water slides are just a few of the attractions inside the old airship hanger. The indoor tropical island, located in Brandenburg, Germany, boasts an air temperature of 26 degrees, with water being 28C in the Tropical Sea and 32 C in the Bali Lagoon. Inside the paradise also host to the worlds biggest indoor rainforest, which features over 50,000 plants and spans over a 10,000 metre square area hese are the incredible images of a tropical island paradise INSIDE a building so big could easily fit eight football pitches. A sandy beach, spa, waterfall, whirlpools and water slides are just a few of the attractions inside the old airship hanger. The indoor tropical island, located in Brandenburg, Germany, boasts an air temperature of 26 degrees, with water being 28C in the Tropical Sea and 32 C in the Bali Lagoon. Inside the paradise also host to the worlds biggest indoor rainforest, which features over 50,000 plants and spans over a 10,000 metre square area hese are the incredible images of a tropical island paradise INSIDE a building so big could easily fit eight football pitches. A sandy beach, spa, waterfall, whirlpools and water slides are just a few of the attractions inside the old airship hanger. The indoor tropical island, located in Brandenburg, Germany, boasts an air temperature of 26 degrees, with water being 28C in the Tropical Sea and 32 C in the Bali Lagoon. Inside the paradise also host to the worlds biggest indoor rainforest, which features over 50,000 plants and spans over a 10,000 metre square area hese are the incredible images of a tropical island paradise INSIDE a building so big could easily fit eight football pitches. A sandy beach, spa, waterfall, whirlpools and water slides are just a few of the attractions inside the old airship hanger. The indoor tropical island, located in Brandenburg, Germany, boasts an air temperature of 26 degrees, with water being 28C in the Tropical Sea and 32 C in the Bali Lagoon. Inside the paradise also host to the worlds biggest indoor rainforest, which features over 50,000 plants and spans over a 10,000 metre square area hese are the incredible images of a tropical island paradise INSIDE a building so big could easily fit eight football pitches. A sandy beach, spa, waterfall, whirlpools and water slides are just a few of the attractions inside the old airship hanger. The indoor tropical island, located in Brandenburg, Germany, boasts an air temperature of 26 degrees, with water being 28C in the Tropical Sea and 32 C in the Bali Lagoon. Inside the paradise also host to the worlds biggest indoor rainforest, which features over 50,000 plants and spans over a 10,000 metre square area hese are the incredible images of a tropical island paradise INSIDE a building so big could easily fit eight football pitches. A sandy beach, spa, waterfall, whirlpools and water slides are just a few of the attractions inside the old airship hanger. The indoor tropical island, located in Brandenburg, Germany, boasts an air temperature of 26 degrees, with water being 28C in the Tropical Sea and 32 C in the Bali Lagoon. Inside the paradise also host to the worlds biggest indoor rainforest, which features over 50,000 plants and spans over a 10,000 metre square area hese are the incredible images of a tropical island paradise INSIDE a building so big could easily fit eight football pitches. A sandy beach, spa, waterfall, whirlpools and water slides are just a few of the attractions inside the old airship hanger. The indoor tropical island, located in Brandenburg, Germany, boasts an air temperature of 26 degrees, with water being 28C in the Tropical Sea and 32 C in the Bali Lagoon. Inside the paradise also host to the worlds biggest indoor rainforest, which features over 50,000 plants and spans over a 10,000 metre square area hese are the incredible images of a tropical island paradise INSIDE a building so big could easily fit eight football pitches. A sandy beach, spa, waterfall, whirlpools and water slides are just a few of the attractions inside the old airship hanger. The indoor tropical island, located in Brandenburg, Germany, boasts an air temperature of 26 degrees, with water being 28C in the Tropical Sea and 32 C in the Bali Lagoon. Inside the paradise also host to the worlds biggest indoor rainforest, which features over 50,000 plants and spans over a 10,000 metre square area

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