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Акиша Ланд од Мезури, САД е мајка на две деца која својот профил на Инстаграм го користи за објавување на фотографии со своите деца.

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Wonder why you’re seeing my face and not Bitty’s? I know you’d rather see her cute face, but I had to make a brief cameo to say, CHIEFSSSSSSS!! ?? Our team is going to the Super Bowl y’all; so I had to (finally) post these photos of the only game we were able to make it to this year ❤️ Wish we could go to more, but with two young kiddos and church on Sunday’s, it’s hard to make it to many games. Plus parking alone is $60 and ain’t nobody got time for that! ? • Also, can we just take a minute to talk about my hair?! I’ve been on my natural hair journey for over 5 years now and hadn’t straightened my hair in over two years. A couple years ago when I straightened my hair, even though I’d been natural for so many years and used Curly Girl Method approved products only, when straightened, my hair was dull, dry, slightly brittle and my ends were a disaster. This year though, I think the results speak for themselves in these photos! And I have @olivabrand to thank! Remember back in September I told you guys I was going to start a hair trial with them? Well as you can see, my hair loves @olivabrand! It’s perfect for my low porosity hair because it’s not as thick and heavy as most hair oils. I use it for my scalp massages as well as hot oil treatments. It’s made my hair sooooo soft, smooth, and shiny! Bye frizz! ✌?I’ve also been using it on Bitty’s hair and her curls are really starting to POP (as you can see in my previous post)! • Definitely go check them out @olivabrand and use code grey15 to save 15% off of your purchase ❤️

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Сепак, Акиша привлече внимание на фановите на кралската фамилија кои тврдат дека ги потсетува на Меган Маркл, па затоа ја нарекуваат и нејзина двојничка или сестра близначка.

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MY HAIR JOURNEY: Ok so do y’all remember back in December when I posted how I’d had serious postpartum hair loss and I’d be starting a new hair journey with @merakigrowth starting in January? Well I did and look at these results y’all (swipe to see my 6-month progress)!! ❤️ • These results are everything!! Y’all don’t understand how many years and how many different things I’ve tried, to no avail, to get my edges to grow and for my hair to stop breaking and shedding so much (big shout out to @toppikhair fibers for helping me hide my non-existent edges during the struggle ??). The photos probably don’t do justice on showing just how thick and long my hair is now. Because the healthier my hair has gotten my curls are springing up even more so they seem shorter than they really are (shout out to @bouncecurl for beautifying them). But it wasn’t even length I cared about (that’s just been a bonus), what’s truly amazed me is the reduction in hair shedding/breakage resulting in thicker and fuller hair. And EDGESSSSSSS!! ❤️ • Also, the braid length comparison doesn’t do justice either because in my January photo my shirt was kind of bunched up making it seem as if my hair was actually longer than it really was. If my shirt was pulled taut like it was in the April photo my guess is the braids would have actually only gone to about 9 or 10 inches, that means I’ve had like 5-6 inches of growth in this short time (the average YEARLY rate for African hair types is only 4 inches; and it’s 5-6 inches for other races)!! I’ve only been using the oil for 6 months total and I think these photos speak for themselves! I can not say enough about @merakigrowth so my hair is saying it all, THANK YOU! • Want to try it yourself? Use our code: GREYSONXO for 20% off ❤️ • #merakigrowth #wcw #bouncecurl #toppik #curlyhair #naturalhair #healthyhair #curls

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Акиша ги возбуди фановите на кралското семејство по објавувањето на нејзината фотографија со ќерката која добила над 13 илјади допаѓања.

Оваа 39 годишна мајка кажува дека луѓето често ја застануваат на улица или во продавница мислејќи дека е Меган Маркл.


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