Атанасов: Навреден сум од лагите дека немам посериозен научен труд


Професорот Петар Атанасов, кој вели дека нема обичај да полемизирам со новинари, за објавена лага од еден медиум дека нема објавено ниту еден посериозен научен труд , овојпат се чувствува навреден од написот.

„Во врска со моето име, алузијата беше дека не сум објавил ниту еден посериозен научен труд, ниту пак сум и оставил нешто на науката… имено бев наведен како претседателот на Комисијата за образование на СДСМ Петар Атанасов. Инаку, сум редовен професор по социологија и комуникации на „Св. Кирил и Методиј“. Сакам да изјавам јавно дека во науката сум официјално од 2002 година. Претходно имав 12 години друга кариера. Од 2002 до денес имам објавено многу трудови, десетина научни монографии од истражувања, како и голем едукативен опус како ментор на магистерски и докторски студии. Иако немам обичај да полемизирам со новинари за објавена лага за мене, овојпат се чувствувам навреден од написот. Однапред кажувам дека нема никого да тужам, тоа не ми го дозволува нивото. Ќе прифатам од новинарот само едно „извинете професоре“ и тоа во инбокс кај мене. Ете толку“, вели Атанасов.

Атансаов посочува дека ако Google Scholar е најшироката бесплатна мрежа за научни текстови со импакт фактор, значи цитирани и индексирани трудови, тогаш едно брзо пребарување на неговото име ќе покаже дека има зад себе научен и истражувачки стаж.
Се гледа, вели, дека неговите текстови се цитирани од многумина странски колеги и се референтни за одредени теми: безбедност, мултикултурализам, идентитет… Многу од текстовите се со ИМПАКТ ФАКТОР, но во EBSCO, Copernikus, DOAJ, UC-Sherpa-RoMEO и други агрегати на научни публикации.
Во прилог дава 40 референци кои точно покажуваат што истражувал и што објавувал изминатите 12 години.
Macedonia between nationalism (s) and multiculturalism: The Framework Agreement and its multicultural conjectures
P Atanasov – Sociologija, 2003 – ceeol.com
ABSTRACT This paper deals with the nationalism (s) and multiculturalism in the
Macedonian society, and the multicultural democracy contingency within Macedonian
practice. Furthermore, it shed lights on the implementation of the Framework Agreement …
Cited by 13 Related articles All 7 versions Cite Save

[PDF] Macedonian national identity: quantitative differences between unitary and subaltern national myths and narratives
P Atanasov – 2004 – eprints.lse.ac.uk
Centre for the Study of Global Governance London School of Economics and Political Science
Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE http://www.lse.ac.uk/Depts/global … National identity studies
have become very fashionable in social sciences. The … 1997: 386). The aim of this …
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[CITATION] Macedonia and EU Integration: Common Problems and Common Goals
P Atanasov – Denisa Kostovicova & Vesna Bojicic-Dzelilovic. …, 2006
Cited by 6 Related articles Cite Save

[CITATION] Multiculturalism as a theory, policy and practice
P Atanasov – Euro-Balkan-Press, Skopje, 2003
Cited by 5 Related articles Cite Save

[CITATION] The Progress of the “Ohrid process” in Macedonia
P Atanasov – 2006 – Post
Cited by 5 Related articles Cite Save

[CITATION] Peace and conflict impact assessment of SDC’s country program in Macedonia
P Atanasov, B Bajkova, T Hagmann, N Zupan – … for Development (http://www. oecd. org …, 2002
Cited by 2 Related articles Cite Save

[CITATION] Potentials for Peace: A Mid-Term Evaluation of OTI’s Program in Macedonia: Final Report
J Nenon, B Bejkova, P Atanasov – Creative Associates International, Washington, DC, 2003
Cited by 2 Related articles Cite Save

[BOOK] Austrian presidency of the EU: regional approaches to the Balkans
D Kostovicova, V Bojicic-Dzelilovic – 2006 – christophesolioz.ch
… 41 Macedonia and EU Integration: Common Problems and Common Goals Petar Atanasov 50 …
PART V: POLICY BRIEF 175 Page 5. 6 7 Petar Atanasov is Research Fellow at the Institute for
Sociological Political and Legal Research, St Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje. …
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[PDF] National security as opposed to principles of human security
P ATANASOV – Strengthening Regional Stability through Human …, 2011 – library.fes.de
The Western Balkan countries must meet the defined criteria that they are asked to meet, if
they are to become candidates for and then “become members” of the club of countries-
members of the European Union. The question is here raised why for some countries this …
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[PDF] The Impact of the Ohrid Agreement on the Macedonian Future 4 3
P Atanasov – kms2.isn.ethz.ch
Does the progress of the ‘Ohrid Process’ mean in the same time the progress of Macedonia?
The short answer from today’s perspective would be yes. It does not mean that in Macedonia
the conflict and its consequences are forgotten. The recent conflict in Macedonia has …
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[BOOK] Macedonian Reform Perspectives
P Atanasov – 2005 – Springer
In 2003, the Republic of Macedonia was still challenged with domestic, as well as regional
security threats. The stabilization process after the conflict in 2001 is progressing and the
implementation of the ‘Framework Agreement’is speeding up due to efforts of the new …
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[CITATION] Transforming National Armed Forces in South East Europe: From the Social to the Military Challenge
EM Felberbauer, P Jureković, P Pantev – 2004 – Bureau for Security Policy at the …
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[PDF] ‘Ethnic’political parties versus multicultural paradigm
P Atanasov, AB Naumovska – arsa-conf.com
Abstract—Most of the states are multiethnic or are becoming one. This paper will elaborate
the multiculturalism in general and the multiethnic composition in Macedonia, Bulgaria and
Romania. It will, also, analyze the existence and promotion of ethnic political parties in …
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Old/New Identities-the Case of Macedonia1
P Atanasov, E Simoska – European Quarterly of Political Attitudes and …, 2013 – questia.com
Abstract In this paper we will begin with the argument that identities are subject of
permanent change. In these processes we will stress the importance of the used resources
and the impact of governing structures in constructing someone’s’ collective identity. We …
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[PDF] Indicators of Democratic Awareness in the Republic of Macedonia1
P Atanasov, G Cvetanova – 2013 – researchgate.net
Abstract The Republic of Macedonia, as a relatively young democratic country, gained its
independence in the year 1991 following the dissolution of the Socialist Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia. In this sense, the Macedonian society is regarded as a society in democratic …
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P Atanasov, B Naumovska – EKONOMSKE TE EKONOMSKE TEME, 2013 – eknfak.ni.ac.rs
Abstract: The employment and promotion of women on higher positions is regular topic of
research among social sciences and organizational studies. The equal opportunity aspects
have been issues that are important within organizations because men and women are …
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Beyond Transition Towards Inclusive Societies
J Ananiev, P Atanasov, M Gerovska-Mitev, M Shukarov – 2011 – eprints.ugd.edu.mk
Received wisdom has favoured broad-stroke economic reforms for transition Europe and
Central Asia since the fall of the Berlin Wall. Many have argued that privatization and
deregulation would unleash the productive energy of the market and attract foreign capital …
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[BOOK] Defence Reform and Public Opinion in Macedonia
P Atanasov – bundesheer.or.at
When choosing the topic for this conference the author had in mind the title of the panel
“Defence Reform Consequences on Society, State and Social Structures” and consequently
the public opinion on the defence reform in Macedonia, as an important input in the …
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P Atanasov – Proceedings from the International scientific …, 2012 – ceeol.com
Abstract To talk about the national identity of one nation it means to talk about its present
connected with its past. Unarguably, the identity of the nation is crucial for its future
regarding its existence and prosperity. The paper will try to analyze the ‘antiquization’in …
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Multiculturalism as A Model: Between Idea and Reality
P Atanasov – European Quarterly of Political Attitudes and …, 2012 – questia.com
Abstract In this paper the main issue of analysis is the prosperity of the multicultural model
and its sustainability in course of the practice and debates. The reality showed that it is
difficult to bit the nation-state and the liberal model of democracy and what are reasons for …
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Correlation Between Socio-economic Development and Education
P Atanasov – ГОДИШНИК НА ИНСТИТУТОТ ЗА СОЦИОЛОШКИ И …, 2009 – ceeol.com
ABSTRACT The importance of education is seen through its influence on the economic
growth and human development in general. In the field of development, investments made
in human capital are maybe the key factor. This means that investing in education is a …
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[CITATION] Friedrih-Ebert-Stiftung Albanian Institute for International Studies
P Atanasov
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‘Ethnic’political parties versus multicultural paradigm
B Naumovska – Proceedings in ARSA-Advanced Research in …, 2012 – arsa-conf.com
… Author(s). Petar Atanasov, Bojana Naumovska,,. Identification. ISBN: 978-80-554-
0606-0 ISSN: 1338-9831 Exports. [pdf] | [plain text] | [bibtex]. Ask others. [Google]
[Google scholar] [MS Academic search] Publication data. Abstract. …
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Multicultural societies and ‘ethnic’political parties: The case of Macedonia, Bulgaria and Romania
B Naumovska – Journal of Education, Psychology and Social Sciences, 2013 – sci-pub.com
… Bulgaria and Romania. Author(‘s). Petar Atanasov; Bojana Naumovska. Identification.
ISSN: 1339-1488 Exports. [Full Text] – Sign-In] | [plain text] | [bibtex]. Ask others. [Google]
[Google scholar] [MS Academic search]. Abstract. Keywords. …
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Local understandings and experiences of transitional justice: a review of the evidence
A Macdonald – 2013 – eprints.lse.ac.uk
… Danielle Stein, Judy Taing, Craig Valters University of Skopje, Macedonia Petar Atanasov
_____ © Anna Macdonald, 2013 Although every effort is made …
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[BOOK] Analysis and Conclusions
PI Pantev – 2005 – Springer
… organising the fight against terrorism. Petar Atanasov is rather optimistic that the
state of civil-military rela- tions in Macedonia does not differ significantly from other
countries in the region. However, the author soberly adds that …
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[CITATION] Etni~ kite jazli i makedonskiot multikulturizmot
P Atanasov – Godi {nik na Institutot za sociolo {ki i politi~-ko-pravni …, 2007
Cited by 1 Related articles Cite Save

[BOOK] The evolution of civil-military relations in South East Europe: continuing democratic reform and adapting to the needs of fighting terrorism
PH Fluri, GE Gustenau, PI Pantev – 2005 – books.google.com
… Perspectives ….. 169 Petar Atanasov Romania’s Participation in the Fight Against International
Terrorism: Implications for Civil-Military Relations and the Security Sector Reform….. 185 …
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The Evolution of Civil-Military Relations in South East Europe
PHFGE Gustenau, PI Pantev – Springer
… Macedonian Reform Perspectives ….. 169 Petar Atanasov Romania’s
Participation in the Fight Against International Terrorism: Implications for
Civil-Military Relations and the Security Sector Reform….. …
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P ATANASOV – ceeol.com
Za ünoviotû multikulturalizam ultikulturalizmot stana predmet na po {irok interes kako i na
socijalni istrauvawa duri kon krajot na 20 vek. Multikulturalizmot naj~ esto se povrzuva so
raste~ kata emancipacija na prethodno marginaliziranite nacionalni i etni~ ki malcinstva i …
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[CITATION] Makedonija između nacionaliz (a) ma i multikulturalizma-okvirni sporazum i njegove multikulturne pretpostavke
P Atanasov – Sociologija, 2003 – Sociological Association of Serbia …
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[CITATION] Multikulturalizmot kako teorija, politika i praktika
P Atanasov – 2003 – Evro-Balkan Press
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[PDF] Međunarodni znanstveni skup» Nacionalne manjine kao faktor stabilnosti u međunarodnim odnosima Hrvatske i Srbije «
D Župarić-Iljić – Migracijske i etničke teme, 2009 – hrcak.srce.hr
… 296 nju među Vlasima u Makedoniji. Nagla- sak je bio na Arumunjima i njihovoj fol- klornoj baštini,
prije svega odijevanju. Petar Atanasov sa Sveučilišta »Sv. Ki- ril i Metodij« iz Skopja govorio
je o sta- tusu meglenorumunjskoga i njegovoj slič- nosti s istrorumunjskim jezikom. …
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Lessons from the EU’s involvement in Macedonia
D Kostovicova – A Human Security Doctrine for Europe: Project, …, 2006 – books.google.com
… EU and the US, behind a common platform condemning violence, supporting Albanian national
demands, while insisting on Macedonia’s territorial integrity and rejecting an internal territorial
solution to an ethnic problem, helped bring about the peace accords (Atanasov 2004). …
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Beyond security, towards institution building: The case of NATO-Macedonia relations
R Schweickert, I Melnykovska, H Heitmann – 2012 – econstor.eu
… Membership 2008-2009, Skopje. Atanasov, Petar (2006a) Macedonia and EU Integration:
Common Problems and Common Goals. … Vienna: Center for the Study of Global Governance.
Atanasov, Petar (2006b) The Progress of the “Ohrid process” in Macedonia. In: Jean-Jacque …
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H FROM – kms2.isn.ethz.ch
… 2 Howarth, D. and J. Torfing. Discourse Theory in European Politics: Identity, Policy and
Governance. (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005). 3 Petar Atanasov, “Defence Reform and
Public Opinion in Macedonia” Osterreichs Bundesheer. Available at: http://www.bmlv.gv.at/ 5 …
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Makedonski diskurs o NATO
C Koneska – Bezbednost Zapadnog Balkana, 2007 – ceeol.com
… B EZBEDNOST Z AP ADNOG B ALKANA 3 Petar Atanasov, “Defence Reform and Public Opinion
in Macedonia” Osterreichs Bundesheer. Available at: http://www.bmlv.gv.at/ 4 Atanasov, “Defence
Reform” 6 Page 5. slažemo sa ciljem zbog kog je upotrebljena. …
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Makedonski diskurs o NATO
C Koneska – Bezbednost Zapadnog Balkana, 2007 – ceeol.com
… B EZBEDNOST Z AP ADNOG B ALKANA 3 Petar Atanasov, “Defence Reform and Public Opinion
in Macedonia” Osterreichs Bundesheer. Available at: http://www.bmlv.gv.at/ 4 Atanasov, “Defence
Reform” 6 Page 5. slažemo sa ciljem zbog kog je upotrebljena. …
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Accession incentives for institutional change in post-socialist countries: cross-section and country evidence from NATO enlargement
R Schweickert, I Melnykovska, H Heitmann – 2010 – econstor.eu
… territory. NATO was perceived as the guarantor of peace (Gligorov, 2006). The Albanian minority
also supported the PfP initiatives as it saw the international presence as a safeguard against
any government policy of repression (Atanasov, 2006). However, the decision on …
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[HTML] Macedonian Model of Ethnic Conflict Regulation: Through Intercultural Dialog to Multicultural Integration
S Slaveski, O Bakreski, Z Nikoloski – globalpolitician.com
… 10, No. 3, 293–311. 3. Atanasov Petar. 2004. “Macedonia between nationalism(s) and
multiculturalism: The Framework Agreement and its multicultural conjectures”, in Sociologija,
XLV: 4, 303-316. 4. Frckovski Ljubomir. 2007. Negotations in Identity Conflicts, Skopje: Templum. …
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N Spasikova – 2010 – etd.ceu.hu
… society regarding the minority inclusion. Atanasov points to the armed conflict in 2001, and … In
conclusion, Macedonia even though it can be seen as a highly divided society (Atanasov 2003:
306; Loomis, Davis and Broughton 2001: 3) the fact is that with the Ohrid Framework …
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M Heidegger – anthroserbia.org
… Evidentno je da najveća etnička grupa ne teži multikulturalizmu već isticanju kulturološke
politike svoje zajednice. Multikulturalan “argument” se u tom slučaju koristi više kao izgovor
u ostvarenju svojih političkih (etničkih) cilje- va (Atanasov 2003, 307). …
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