Клаудија Шифер се сликаше гола


Една од најпознатите манекенки на сите времиња, Клаудија Шифер се врати на сцената со интервју и фотосесија за списанието „Вог“.

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SHE IS BACK ✨ CLAUDIA BY CLAUDIA @claudiaschiffer back on our cover after 25 years! in @ysl photographed by @collierschorrstudio styled by @vanessareidofficial! Check out our August Issue on Newsstands August 6th! “The concept was to take the framework of some of Helmut Newton’s most seminal studio shoots, especially the “auto-portraits”. Theoretically, the women in these photographs by Newton were “making” their own portraits in that very brief moment that they are looking at themselves in mirrors and releasing the camera’s shutter with a cable release. The idea for my story evolved into me stepping into the shoes of Helmut Newton and being shown in the mirrors’ reflections, photographing Claudia and Stephanie.”(…) “When you are photographing women such as Stephanie and Claudia, who are literally like the walking lexicons of fashion gesture in photography, there are things they will and will not do. There’s not one thing that you see in these photographs that Claudia didn’t want to do – if she didn’t want to do it, she changed it.” #CollierSchorr See more via link in bio. Full credits: #ClaudiaSchiffer @dmanagementgroup Editor in chief @efarneti Creative director @ferdinandoverderi Casting directors @pg_dmcasting @samuel_ellis @ DM Fashion Studio Interview @pimcharlottecotton Make-up @hiromi_ueda @artandcommerce Hair @garygillhair @streetersagency Manicure @louimarie_nails @jaqmanagement Set design @tomotattle @streetersagency Executive producer @sylviafarago

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Некогашниот топ-модел е на прагот од шестата деценија од својот живот и се гордее со тоа. Насловната страница од новиот број од „Вог“ таа ја објави и на Инстаграм, точно 25 години откако првпат се сликала за списанието, во 1994 година.

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SHE IS BACK ✨ CLAUDIA BY CLAUDIA Our August Issue features @claudiaschiffer in @ysl photographed by @collierschorrstudio styled by @vanessareidofficial. On Newsstands August 6th! “Because of who I am and who they are, I think these shoots are about women’s acknowledgement of their own sexuality, and is very different to the representation of desire, which is always connected to the maker of the picture. I think this was about Claudia, Stephanie’s and my relationships with our sexualities and bodies, and about being seen as older women.” #CollierSchorr See more via link in bio. Full credits: #ClaudiaSchiffer @dmanagementgroup Editor in chief @efarneti Creative director @ferdinandoverderi Casting directors @pg_dmcasting @samuel_ellis @ DM Fashion Studio Interview @pimcharlottecotton Make-up @hiromi_ueda @artandcommerce Hair @garygillhair @streetersagency Manicure @louimarie_nails @jaqmanagement Set design @tomotattle @streetersagency Executive producer @sylviafarago

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– Староста треба да се слави и почитува. Имам 48 години, се чувствувам така и се гордеам со тоа. Има причина зошто ги имаме роденденските торти и забави… Јас околу тоа и натаму се чувствувам исто како во детството, изјави германската манекенка.

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