Повеќе од 80 светски познати професори до Владата: Не ја уривајте автономијата на Универзитетот


Расте бројот на познатите светски научници и професори кои се придружуваат на писмото за поддршка на македонските студенти кои бараат да не се воведува екстернто оценување и зачувување на автономијата на Универзитетот. Освен славниот словенечки филозоф Славој Жижек, францускиот филозоф Жак Рансиер, писмото сдосега го потпишале повеќе од 80 врвни научници и професори. Меѓу нив се светски познатити имиња како Гил Аниџар, Алан Бадју, Џудит Батлер, Џани Ватимо, Антонио Негри. На писмото стојат и потписи на почитувани научници од регионов како Светлана Слапшак, Мишко Шуваковиќ, Јелисавета Блогојевиќ. Среќко Хорват. Тие во писмото иззразуваа поддршја за барањата на македонските студенти и бараат ов Владата, односно од Министерството за образование и наука да не ја загрозува автономијата на Универзитетот.

Во писмото меѓу другото пишува:

„Ние, долупотпишаните, научници и професори од целиот свет, је изразуваме нашата длабока загриженост во врска со неодамнешните активности преземени од страна на Министерството за образование и наука за измена на Законот за високото образование, и ја изразуваме нашата солидарност со демонстрантите на Студентски Пленум и членовите на факултет кои ги поддржуваат и македонските граѓани. Кога институциите на високото образование стануваат предмет на контрола на државата, критичко размислување е заложник на диктатот на оние на власт. Едно општество не може да се развива во такви услови. Креативноста е задушена, критиката е немушта, независната мисла е укината. Предложените измени и дополнувања на Законот за високото образование, во прилог на други неодамнешните активности од страна на Министерството за образование и наука, не само што ја поткопа автономијата на универзитетите, туку и ја елиминира.“

И натаму: „Македонското високо образование, неговата содржина и оценките, ако се донесат овие измени, ќе биде предмет на желбите на оние кои го контролираат – македонската политичкиот апарат на највисоко ниво. Наведените цели на овие измени е да се одговори прашањата на квалитетот во системот на високото образование. Сепак, како што истакна Студентскиот Пленум, квалитетот на високото образование мора да се реши од страна на неговите чинители, а не од надворешна сила која има интерес за газење врз најчистите вредности на независноста на своите универзитети.

Ние го поздравуваме Студентскиот Пленум и неговиот факултет и поддршката на граѓаните што стојат заедно со оние илјадници демонстранти кои протестираа во Скопје, за да го задржи автономијата на македонските универзитети. Исто така, бараме од Министерството за образование и наука да се откаже од својот обид да се елиминира автономијата на Универзитетот и да им се врати контролата на универзитети на оние кои се едуцираат и на оние кои се едуцираат во нив“, се вели во писмото што го потпишаа над 80 познати професори од светот.

We, the undersigned scholars and professors from around the world, write to express our deepest concern about the recent actions taken by Ministry of Education and Science to amend the Law on Higher Education, and we wish to express our solidarity with the demonstrators of the Student Plenum and their supporting faculty members and Macedonian citizens.

Any political arrangement that seeks to be called democratic must allow for the autonomy of its institutions of higher education. It is in those institutions that critical reflection on the character of a society – its politics, its economic system, its arrangements of power, and its cultural production – can be performed in a rigorous and unfettered manner by those who are going to be participating in that society. When the institutions of higher education become subject to state control, critical reflection is held hostage to the dictates of those in power. No society can flourish under those conditions. Creativity is stifled, critique is muzzled, independent thought is diminished.

The proposed amendments to the Law on Higher Education, in addition to other recent actions by the Ministry of Education and Science, do not simply undermine the autonomy of universities; they eliminate it. The Ministry has proposed second and fourth year examinations in every course, to be overseen not by those who teach those courses, but by the ministry itself through the National Board of Accreditation and Evaluation of the Higher Education. Thus the state is attempting to arrogate to itself the power of granting or withholding degrees. Macedonian higher education, both its content and its assessment, will, if these amendments are adopted, become subject to the desires of those who control the Macedonian political apparatus at the highest levels.

The stated goal of these amendments is to address issues of quality in the university system. However, as the Student Plenum has emphasised, the quality of university education must be addressed by its stakeholders, not by an outside power that has an interest in blunting the independence of its universities. Moreover, recent actions taken in response to professors joining the protests against the amendments tell a story not of quality but instead of suppression. The response to professorial involvement in the protests has been to propose that the Ministry must approve the composition of thesis committees and be involved in thesis defenses. This can only be read as an attempt to intimidate university faculty, since it serves no educational purpose.

We commend the Student Plenum and its faculty and citizen support and stand with those thousands of protesters who have marched in Skopje to retain the autonomy of Macedonian universities. Furthermore, we demand that the Ministry of Education and Science abandon its attempt to eliminate university autonomy and return control of the universities to those who educate and are educated in them.

Mark Alfano, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, University of Oregon, US

Tariq Ali, Writer, UK

Meryl Altman, Professor of English and Women’s studies at DePauw University, US

Gil Anidjar, Department of Religion, Columbia University, US

Alain Badiou, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France

Una Bauer, Academy for Dramatic Arts, Zagreb, Croatia

Jeffrey Bell, Professor of Philosophy Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond US

Emanuela Bianchi, Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature, New York University, US

Jelisaveta Blagojevic, Faculty of Media and Communications, Belgrade, Serbia

Ray Brassier, Associate Professor of Philosophy, American University of Beirut, Lebanon

G Anthony Bruno, Alexander von Humboldt Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Philosophy, University of Bonn, Germany

Judith Butler, Department of Comparative Literature, University of California, Berkeley, US

Ankica Cakardic, Assistant Professor, Faculty for Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia

Samir Chopra, Professor of Philosophy, Graduate Center and Brooklyn College of the City University of New York, US

Sharyn Clough, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, US

Simon Critchley, Hans Jonas Professor, The New School for Social Research, US

Andrew Culp, Visiting Assistant Professor of Rhetoric, Whitman College, Walla Walla, WA, US

Marina Cvetkovska, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in Molecular Biology, University of Western Ontario, Canada

Vedrana Cvetkovska, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in Neuroscience, University of British Columbia, Canada

Anna Cychnerska, University of Torunj, Poland

Jodi Dean, Professor of Political Science, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, NY, US

Tom Digby Professor of Philosophy, Springfield College, Springfield, Massachusetts, US

Andrew Dilts Assistant Professor of Political Science, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA, US

Matt Drabek, Content Specialist, ACT Inc., Iowa City, IA, US

Alex Dubilet, Department of Rhetoric and Program for Religious Studies, University of California, Berkeley, US

Hajdi Elzeser, Lecturer at the Hochschule für Musik, Detmold, Germany

Andrea Feeser, Professor, Modern and Contemporary Art History, Theory, and Criticism, Clemson University, US

Matthias Fritsch, Professor of Philosophy, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada

Johan Galtung, University of Oslo, Norway

Armando Gnisci, European Academy, London, UK

Christopher Grau, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Clemson University, US

James Griffith, PhD, Department of Philosophy, DePaul University, Chicago, IL, US

Andrej Grubacic, Anthropology and Social Change Department, California Institute of Integral Studies, US

Peter Hallward, Professor of Modern European Philosophy, Kingston University, UK

Srecko Horvat, Independent Scholar, Croatia

Gordon Hull, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Public Policy, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, US

Miroslav Izdimirski, Institute of Balkan Studies with Center of Thracology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Igor Janev, Institute of Political Studies, Belgrade, Serbia

Leigh M Johnson, Department of Religion and Philosophy, Christian Brothers University, US

Jonathan Kaplan, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, US

Edward Kazarian, Department of Philosophy and Religion Studies, Rowan University, US

Gal Kirn, Humboldt Research Fellow, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany

Mark Lance, Professor of Philosophy and Justice and Peace, Georgetown University, US

Jo Littler, Senior Lecturer in Culture and Cultural Industries, City University London, UK

Cathrine Malabou, Professor Of Modern European Philosophy, Kingston University, UK

Bill Martin, Professor of Philosophy DePaul University, Chicago, US

Todd May, 1941 Memorial Professor of the Humanities, Clemson University, US

Ladelle McWhorter, James Thomas Professor in Philosophy, University of Richmond, Virginia US

Hugh Miller, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Loyola University Chicago, US

Joshua Miller, Professional Lecturer, Philosophy, George Washington University, US

Lisa Miracchi, Bersoff Assistant Professor/Faculty Fellow, Department of Philosophy, New York University, US

Michael O’Rourke, Dublin, Ireland

David Palumbo-Liu Louise Hewlett Nixon Professor Stanford University Palo Alto, Califorinia, US

Antonio Petrov, Assistant Professor of Architecture and Urbanism, University of Texas at San Antonio, US

Robert Pichler, Institute of Slavic Studies, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany

Liedeka Plate, Radbound University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Nina Power, Senior Lecturer, Department of Humanities, University of Roehampton, UK

John Protevi, Phyllis M. Taylor Professor of French Studies and Professor of Philosophy, Louisiana State University, US

Jacques Rancière, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, Université de Paris VIII (St. Denis), France

C D C Reeve, Delta Kappa Epsilon Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, US

Gabriel Rockhill, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Villanova University, US

Steven Salaita, Independent Scholar, US

Irena Sawicka, PAN,Warsaw, Poland

Svetlana Slapšak, Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Shane Smalley, Adjunct Professor of Philosophy, Theology, Anthropology and Linguistics. Calvary Theological Seminary, Grand View, MO, US

Anthony Paul Smith, Assistant Professor of Religion, La Salle University, US

Henry Somers-Hall, Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK

James K Stanescu, Professional Lecturer, George Washington University, US

Alexander I Stingl, Research Faculty, STS Center, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA US; and Visiting Researcher, Research Collaborator, Contract Lecturer, and Research Consultant, Social Science, Univ. of Kassel, CLWF VU Brussel, College of Leupana Univ Lueneburg, Inst for General Medicine UniClinic Erlangen

Barry Stocker, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey

Namita Subioto, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Julia Sushytska, PhD, Philosophy, Independent Scholar, US

Misko Suvakovic, Professor at Faculty of Drama and Arts, Beograd, Serbia

Silvo Torkar, SAZU, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Kiril Trpkov, University of Calgary, Canada

Gianni Vattimo, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, Università degli Studi di Torino, Italy

Maurice Wade, Professor of Philosophy, Trinity College, Hartford, CT, US

Kimberly Wilson, Department of Teaching and Learning, Temple University, US

Santiago Zabala, ICREA Research Professor, Pompeu Fabra University, Spain

Slavoj Zizek, Birkbeck Institute for Humanities, UK

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