СДСМ испрати писмо до светските медиуми и банки


СДСМ до светските медиуми и банки испрати повторно писмо во врска со продолжувањето како што се наведува на незаконската постапка за издавање на еврообврзницата. Во него се наведува дека процесот на издавање на еврообврзницата е без обезбедено правно мислење на министерот за правда. СДСМ укажува дека задолжувањето е незаконско, а неведува и податоци за криминални афери со кои се поврзани актерите, односно барателите на еврообврницата. Следува интегралниот текст на англиски јазик.



SDSM questions why the responsible Minister of Justice was not present at investor call

An investor call took place on Monday 18 July 2016 relating to the proposed EUR 650 million bond issue by the Republic of Macedonia. The call was led by the Deputy Prime Minister for economic affairs Mr. Vladimir Peshevksi.

The arranging banks had previously stated that they would be seeking clarification from the Ministry of Justice. Visibly absent from the call was the Minister for Justice, Mr. Valdet Xhaferi, who comes from the Albanian party DUI. Minister Xhaferi is the only person that would be responsible for addressing any investor concerns over the legality of the issuance and he would have been the most important person to be on such an important call.

In a brief seven minute call, the Deputy Prime Minister apparently tried to reassure potential investors on the legality of the issuance by providing and upbeat assessment of the Republic of Macedonia and its programs with, inter alia, the IMF, the World Bank and the EBRD. No new material information, clarity or legal opinions were provided to address the potential illegality of the bond issue. Investors were not allowed to ask any questions of the government team.

His assessment is in direct contradiction to statements coming from various bilateral and multilateral organizations in their reports and assessment on the current situation in Macedonia. Brussels is withholding €77 million in pre accession funding as part of a sanctions programme and misuse of EU money by the government. The IMF has announced that it will not renew its mission in Skopje beyond August 2016. The Priebe Report commissioned by the European Union was scathing in its assessment of corruption, the judiciary and the rule of law in Macedonia.

Peshevski’s desperate attempt to try and window dress such a serious legal issue was reckless and irresponsible serving only to undermine Macedonia’s international financial standing. Unable to provide sound and legitimate institutional confirmation on the bond issue and not give potential investors any opportunity to seek more clarity through questions, he only succeeded in casting further doubt and confusion on the legal issues in question.

Deputy Prime Minister Peshevski himself has been caught up in Macedonia’s political corruption and crime scandals uncovered since the release of hundreds of wiretapped conversations since February 2015. Taped conversations, including those of former Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski and Mr. Vladimir Peshevksi, raise serious allegations of corruption, misuse of state funds, electoral fraud, abuse of power and disregard for the rule of law.

Among the numerous allegations of financial corruption arsing from the wiretapped conversations were the conversations between Mr. Peshevski, his boss Mr. Gruevski and the former minister of transport Mile Janakieski in which they scheme and negotiate on a 15 million Euro kickback from a 270 million Euro road construction project by a Chinese construction company.

Party President Zoran Zaev noted: “This raises the issue as to why any reputable institution would wish to engage with such highly politically exposed individuals such as Mr. Peshevski and his political boss Nikola Gruevski. SDSM has publically stated that it is our mission to eliminate corruption and restore responsible, transparent and democratic government to the Republic of Macedonia.”

Therefore, if the government goes ahead with the issue of the proposed EUR 650 million bond without the necessary legal authority, as a responsible future government in waiting, we will investigate all aspects of the issue, including whether there were potential breaches of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act by any parties.


Government attendees of the conference call:

• The Minister of Finance (VMRO-DPMNE)

• Governor of the Central Bank

• Minister for Public Administration (VMRO-DPMNE)

• Deputy Minister of Justice (VMRO-DPMNE)

DUI – Democratic Union for Integration

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